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As a child my ability to copy voices and accents delighted my friends and family. This led me to believe that my future lay in acting. I spent many years training with one of Britain's finest elocution teachers and gained a raft of qualifications from London College of Music's Speech and Drama Department. During my studies, I was also an active member of the Royal Exchange Theatre Youth Group in Manchester.
While I enjoyed performing, I always felt it wasn’t exactly what I supposed to be doing. Eventually I used my speech training to become an ‘Elocution Teacher’ but that title doesn’t even begin to cover what I do.

Some clients have specific requirements, an audio artist who wants to master an RP accent, a CEO who wants to be a great public speaker or a young person with autism who wants to overcome speech problems.


Lots of clients have issues with communication, or believe they have a ‘terrible voice’. Many people say, ‘I hate the sound of my own voice’. With vocal training and exercises we can change this. But sometimes it can have more to do with how they feel about themselves or how they believe others perceive them. I have often found the root cause of communication insecurity or anxiety to be a deep-seated emotional block or a limiting belief that needs to be removed and healed.
Some pupils need a boost of confidence or guidance with their conversation and communication skills. Clients from other parts of the world often want to improve their English. I always enjoy being able to share the secrets of spoken English with all its quirks and intricacies while finding out about their fascinating native tongue.
My love of language allows me to help pupils with the content and structure of social media posts, lectures, scripts or presentations. I show them how to use words to powerful effect, finding the perfect language to convey the message.
I have a wealth of experience teaching a wide range of accents, including RP, various regional UK dialects, as well as American and accents from many other countries.
I can soften an accent or work with you on changing your speaking voice entirely. I am not a speech therapist, but I have a great deal of experience solving speech and linguistic problems. 
In my career I have been fortunate to work with many great actors and several organisations including the BBC and ITV.
Whatever is required, I do everything I can to enable you to achieve your goal.
No two pupils have ever needed the same support, guidance or self development so every session is created to specifically suit you and your personal voice journey.

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English is not my first language. I had insecurities as an actor due to my diction... Elocution classes were a GAME CHANGER. Claire is very dedicated, her structure and positive energy is remarkable. The classes made me clearer, more engaging and marketable for the acting industry. If you want to change your life and career, this is what you need!

Janes France - Actor

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